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In most organizations nearly everyone is doing a second job no one is paying them for—namely, covering their weaknesses, trying to look their best, and managing other people’s impressions of them. There may be no greater waste of a company’s resources. The ultimate cost: neither the organization nor its people are able to realize their full potential. What if a company did everything in its power to create a culture in which everyone—not just select “high potentials”—could overcome their own internal barriers to change and use errors and vulnerabilities as prime opportunities for personal and company growth? Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey (and their collaborators) have found and studied such companies—Deliberately Developmental Organizations. A DDO is organized around the simple but radical conviction that organizations will best prosper when they are more deeply aligned with people’s strongest motive, which is to grow. This means going beyond consigning “people development” to high-potential programs, executive coaching, or once-a-year off-sites. It means fashioning an organizational culture in which support of people’s development is woven into the daily fabric of working life and the company’s regular operations, daily routines, and conversations.

"Autoři knihy měsíce říkají "Better me + Better you = Better us" aneb v práci je úkolem nás všech rozvíjet sebe i ostatní. To znamená nepálit energii skrýváním svých nedokonalostí a místo toho je ukázat i společně posouvat. Na práci je tak nejen více času, ale hlavně vzniká prostředí, kde se lidé rozvíjí a kde slovo "člověk" neznamená zdroj na dokončování úkolů či plnění měřítek."
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